Here are some of the editorial services you can provide from the quiet of your own home:
Copyediting. This is where fact checking takes place, and where grammatical, stylistic and typographical errors are caught.
Proofreading. This is the last stop for a «finished» piece. The proofreader makes sure the copyediting changes have been properly made and no new errors are created in the process.
Indexing. There are indexing courses available and you can get indexing software.
Developmental editing. A developmental editor works with a manuscript on big-picture things like organization and content issues.
Book doctoring. This is an editorial service provided for manuscripts written by experts. They create a manuscript as best they can and then a book doctor puts it into publishable shape.
Ghost Writing. As a ghost writer, you actually do the research and write the book and someone else’s name is attached as the author.
Copywriting. Also known as business writing, this is writing that promotes a product or a service.
Book writing. Do you have an expertise in something professional, such as accounting or interior decorating? Or personally, like knitting? Why not write a book about it?
Magazine article writing. Magazines and newspapers are a great way to get your writing published before tackling the daunting task of writing a whole book.
Web page content provider. Providing content for a web site is a good way to make some money writing.