Surrogate maternity

Surrogate maternity is a therapeutic method in which embryos obtained in the IVF cycle are transferred for carrying a pregnancy into the uterus of a woman genetically unrelated to the embryos transferred to her. In the surrogate cycle, the ovum of a barren woman is fertilized with the sperm of her husband and transferred to the womb of the surrogate mother. Best surrogacy ukraine .

In which case, patients require surrogacy?
The most common cause is the absence of the uterus. The uterus may be absent from birth (Rakitansky-Kyustner syndrome) or be surgically removed (hysterectomy for health reasons, for example, with extensive bleeding during cesarean section). Other groups of patients who are shown surrogate motherhood include women with an increased risk of miscarriage, the presence of diseases in which pregnancy and childbirth are contraindicated (for example, severe heart disease), and those who have had numerous unsuccessful IVF attempts for unexplained reasons.

The essence of surrogacy
Surrogate motherhood is based on the same principles as in cycles using donor eggs. A woman who receives eggs, goes through an IVF cycle. At the same time, the surrogate mother’s uterus is prepared for implantation with estrogen and progesterone. Ovules are removed during a simple outpatient procedure under light anesthesia. The eggs are fertilized with the patient’s husband’s sperm and cultured for several days. On the day of transfer, embryos with the highest implantation potential are placed in the uterine cavity of the surrogate mother. The number of transferred embryos depends on the age of the woman who has the eggs, and on the quality of the embryos obtained.

The percentage of pregnancy in surrogate motherhood cycles mainly depends on the age of the woman who has the eggs. In cases where donor eggs and a surrogate mother are used, that is, when the quality of the eggs and the condition of the uterus is optimal, the effectiveness of treatment is the highest in modern reproductive medicine, reaching 70-75%.

Who can become a surrogate mother?
A woman who decides to become a surrogate mother can do this for humane reasons. This may be a relative or close friend of a barren couple. Many go to surrogacy for financial reasons — they receive a material reward for carrying a child. According to Russian law, a surrogate mother must be no older than 35 years old and have at least one child.

Surrogate motherhood in Russia is regulated by the Family Code and the Law on Acts of Civil Status. According to these regulations, the surrogate mother must sign an agreement to register the child she has born in the name of the genetic parents, after which the civil registry offices issue a birth certificate in her name.

In many cases, before carrying out the IVF program, genetic parents and a surrogate mother conclude a surrogate motherhood contract, which stipulates the conditions for the payment of remuneration and registration of the newborn.

A genetic mother may be present at birth and while caring for a newborn in the maternity hospital. She can even prepare for breastfeeding of the child by taking special hormonal drugs (induced lactation).